Please read the disclamer

Hello this a writeup for a box from HackTheBox which is focused mainly on WAF Bypassing.

First things first, we launch a nmap to scan for open ports,

nmap -sC -sV -T4 -v


Cool port 80 is open, checking the source code we find the following


browsing to this /sync file, returns a forbidden page ummm… that’s weird, I tried to curl it

curl "" -v


Well… we have a WAF here :D, after poking around I found it blocks requests that contain ; and other special characters.

Let’s run wfuzz to bruteforce some existing parameters

wfuzz -w /usr/share/wordlist/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt  --hh 19  "'stuff"


great opt is the right parameter, after playing with it, I found out that it blocks words like ls cat etc … this can be easily bypassed by adding quotes like the following l's' which equals ls this happens because all adjacent string literals are concatenated in Bash, by doing that I bypassed the WAF but still no command execution…

After an extensive manual fuzzing, i found that if I put opt=' i'd'' I get command execution !!!


cool, let’s run sudo -l


We can execute /home/themiddle/.monit as root, let’s check that file


Easy!, we just have to run this script and give it 2 arguments, the first one must be cmd and the second one our command base64 encoded and we are root !
